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Our Story

How We Got Here

When the Pandemic first hit and international travel paused, our co-founders had to re-invent their Cambridge residential summer academy as a virtual academy. This enabled students to continue learning and ‘visit’ Cambridge from the comfort of their own homes. 


This experience inspired our co-founders to create VBuddies in order to increase learning opportunities for more young people, contributing to the UN's Sustainable Development Goals.

Our Mission

We are driven by the desire to make quality education more accessible and effective for all. We believe that personalised gamified learning is the path to fulfilling this vision.

We aim to optimise learning for users globally by creating an engaging gamified environment with AI tutors tailored to each individual.

Our Team

Lijia profile.jpg

Ms Lijia Zhang

Co-Founder (Business & Finance)

A cross-cultural entrepreneur with a track record of running a profitable education business. Extensive experience in educational project management, business and teaching.

Company #: 12707364  VAT #: 406529305

Company name: Metaverse Tech Ltd 

Address: The Bradfield Centre, 184 Cambridge Science Park Road, Cambridge, CB4 0GA, UK

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